Beautiful, inside & out.

This is a truly inspiring article based on a post from Nutritionist ‘Alexis Poole’ - it reminds us that you can work out, eat healthily and not look like a stick-thin bikini model.

 We are all familiar with the term ‘it’s what’s inside that matters’ and that is true in all walks of life. But in this case, so many women strive for the perfect weight, the ‘bikini body’ with those chiseled abs and the elusive thigh gap. But this isn’t always a sign of health, in fact, a lot of bikini models have to reduce their calories to a dangerous amount before competing, they become dehydrated for the competition day and cut out carbohydrates to prevent water retention. Crazy right? The realisation is that to see your abdominals you need to reduce your body fat percentage to the lowest amount possible.

Alexis bravely posted a picture of herself on Instagram in a bikini stating that: “My outer appearance is by no means an indication of what lies on the inside, be it my strength or my health”. She is a strong, healthy woman who by no means lacks in strength and eats a good, well balanced diet and has now realised that striving for the perfect body is a battle that doesn’t need to be fought.

Many women become obsessed with their appearance and this can lead to dangerous consequences, such as eating disorders. Women come in all different shapes and sizes, and just because they don’t look like a Victoria's Secret model does not mean they don’t eat right and look after themselves. Body confidence is a big trend in the media, especially Instagram and will hopefully be a staple in the media for years to come.

Remember to do what you love, eat a balanced diet and move your body because you love it - not because you hate it. Walk, Run, Cycle, play a dance game, what makes you happy. And remember, enjoy your life - you only get once chance!

If you want to read more about Alexis this is her Instagram.


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